About MONECO Financial Training

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At a glance

More than participants so far
A record of years of training excellence
More than successful training events

Training Programme

MONECO Financial Training is an educational programme that offers a series of training courses and workshops aimed at the real needs of financial professionals. MONECO is a specialised financial training provider, enjoying a Europe-wide excellent position. Since 1995 we have run more than 486 successful training events and we have been able to train more than 6,149 participants so far. Our ultimate goal is to efficiently train the expert financial know-how, which is necessary for the increasingly challenging financial industry.

The programme covers a wide range of topics: Financial Risk Management, Corporate Banking, Investment Management, Corporate Finance, Treasury Products, Asset-liability Management, Financial Derivatives, Structured Products, Compliance, Internal Audit and more. Our training courses have been offered with an extraordinary success for over 29 years, originally under the name of Czech Financial Academy.

International Coverage and Networking

The MONECO Financial Training provides focused trainings for financial experts internationally. The participants come from a continually increasing number of countries. This provides the clients with added value of unique networking opportunities among colleagues from financial institutions and groups operating worldwide.

Tuition and Certification

The seminar tuition is in English, as are all manuals, training software etc. In order to benefit from participation, at least a passive knowledge of English is required, including common financial phrases and terminology. At the conclusion of the seminars the graduates are awarded a diploma in English certifying the high level of acquired knowledge in the covered area of study.

Training Format

The training format is an efficient mix of theory, practical examples, case studies, group discussions and networking opportunities. Seminars are structured at various levels spanning from introductory events for the financial juniors to advanced courses for persons with higher seniority, seeking to attain the expert and focused knowledge.

A reasonable care is taken so that our participants get instant working skills for their time and money. The unique blend of top quality training delivered in a truly inspiring way is offered at internationally competitive prices.

Expert Senior Trainers

The trainers at the MONECO Financial Training courses are senior experts with an advanced level of theoretical knowledge as well as long-term professional experience in the field. Our track record confirms that our trainers utilize top didactical skills and focus on real life case studies. We work solely with internationally well-known trainers who are often members of recognized professional associations and are frequently invited to speak at important industry events.

Attractive Training Destination

Our proven seminar destination, the city of Prague, is located in the very heart of Central Europe. Prague offers an enormous variety of places of interest, historic sites, museums, galleries, as well as modern architecture, turning your visit into an unforgettable experience.

Exclusive Training Venue

Our seminars are held in the international NH Prague City hotel, a modern four-star hotel in Prague, Czech Republic. The hotel is located in the city centre, in the trendy area of Andel, next to the historic heart of Prague, a couple of minutes from an underground station and 20 minutes from the Prague airport. A new business centre, a shopping mall and attractive leisure & relaxation facilities are also available nearby.


The seminars are designed for professionals from all types of financial institutions, including the following: central banks, commercial and investment banks, securities traders, insurance companies, investment firms, management consulting, large corporates as well as other entities performing up-to-date financial risk management.

  • ABN AMRO Bank Netherlands
  • Accenture Czech Republic
  • Addiko Bank Austria
  • Addiko Bank Croatia
  • Addiko Bank Serbia
  • AGBank Azerbaijan
  • Air Bank Czech Republic
  • Akbank Turkey
  • AKCENTA CZ Czech Republic
  • Aktia Finland
  • Alandsbanken Finland
  • Alior Bank Poland
  • Allianz - Slovenska dochodkova spravcovska
  • Allianz - Slovenska poistovna Slovakia
  • Allianz pojistovna Czech Republic
  • Allianz-Tiriac Pensii Private Romania
  • Alm. Brand Bank Denmark
  • Alpha Bank Romania
  • Amsterdam Trade Bank Netherlands
  • Amundi Czech Republic
  • Amundi Polska
  • APS Bank Malta
  • Asseco Central Europe Slovakia
  • Asset Management Slovenskej sporitelne Slovakia
  • ATP/NOW:Investments Denmark
  • Aviva Poland
  • Banca de Export-Import a Romaniei EximBank
  • Banca d'Italia
  • Banca Transilvania Romania
  • Banco BPM Italy
  • Banco Primus Portugal
  • Bank Norwegian Norway

Testimonials of Participants

Here is what some of our satisfied participants have to say about attending the training programme.

“During many years attested and confirmed again: first-class professional financial training programme.

Head of Treasury Department, Commercial Bank from Czech Republic

“Very interesting course; very knowledgeable and prepared instructor. I will definitely recommend the course to other people. In the future I will return to MONECO seminars as there are many topics in the programme which are in my area of interest.”

Executive Director, Investment Company from Romania

The best Asset-Liability Management course I could only imagine! Thank you very much.”

ALM Director, Commercial Bank from Ukraine

“Let me to tell you that your Applications Workshop for the Financial Derivatives was one of the most exciting seminars I have ever participated in.

Head of Derivatives, Commercial Bank from Poland

“I was impressed not only by Prague and the services which you offered us during the seminars, as precise presentation materials and well-communicated information, but the quality of your seminars as well as the knowledge of your lecture was really impressionable too.”

Head of Asset Management Department, Commercial Bank from Denmark

“It is great to get so many practical examples, which enhance understanding of the theory.”

Portfolio Manager, Investment Management Company from Denmark
Training catalogue in PDF
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