Advanced Corporate Finance Update |
1 |
Advanced Corporate Valuation |
2 |
Advanced Corporate Valuation Workshop |
2 |
Advanced Credit Risk Modelling and Management |
2 |
Advanced Currency Options |
2 |
Advanced Excel™ Workshop 1 - Yield Curve Estimation and Principal Components Analysis |
2 |
Advanced Excel™ Workshop 2 - Monte Carlo Simulations, Value-at-Risk and Option Pricing |
2 |
Advanced Financial Mathematics Workshop |
2 |
Advanced Fixed Income Products: Convertibles, Inflation-Linked and Option-Embedded Bonds |
2 |
Advanced Interest Rate Models and their Practical Applications |
2 |
Advanced IRB Approach - Maintaining Models, Validation and Re-calibration |
2 |
Advanced IRB Approach - Scorecard Development, PD, LGD and EAD Modelling |
3 |
Advanced IRB Modelling |
2 |
Advanced Operational Risk Workshop |
2 |
Advanced Solvency II Workshop |
2 |
Advanced Structured Products - Volatility and Multi-Underlying Structures |
1 |
Advanced Swaps - Pricing, Trading and Risk Management |
2 |
Advanced Trade Finance |
3 |
Advanced Value-at-Risk |
3 |
Alternative Investments: from Alpha-Rich Portfolios to Adaptive Risk Overlays |
2 |
Analysis of High-Yield Bonds from Investment Management Perspective |
1 |
Asset Securitization - ABS, CDOs and CBOs |
2 |
Asset Securitization - Structures and Risk Management in the Current Regulatory Environment |
2 |
Bank Asset-Liability Management |
6 half-days |
Bank Capital Management - Economic Capital, Funds Transfer Pricing and RAROC |
3 |
Basel II - Executive Overview |
1 |
Basel II - Measuring and Managing Credit Risk under the Enhanced Framework |
2 |
Basel III - Executive Overview |
1 |
Basel III Workshop - Framework, Implementation and Risk Management Implications |
3 |
BCBS 239 Compliance - Risk Data Aggregation and Risk Reporting Framework |
2 |
Behavioural Finance - Market Impact and Investment Applications |
2 |
Best Practice in Operational Risk Management with Dr. Ariane Chapelle |
2 |
Big Data in Financial Research and Risk Management |
0 |
Black-Litterman Asset Allocation Workshop |
2 |
Bond Analysis |
3 |
Bond Analysis - Level I |
2 |
Bond Analysis - Level II |
3 |
Bracing for Impact of IFRS 9: Impairment Principles, ECL Framework and Requirements |
2 |
Cash Management - Methodologies and Strategies |
1 |
Central Bank Digital Currencies - Technology, Opportunities and Consequences |
1 |
Central Counterparty Clearing |
2 |
CFA® Level I Crash Course |
3 |
CFA® Level II Crash Course |
3 |
CFA® Level III Crash Course |
3 |
Climate and ESG Risk Management
2 |
Collateral Management - New Regulations, Operational Challenges and Collateral Optimisation |
2 |
Commercial Real Estate Finance |
2 |
Commercial Real Estate Valuation
2 |
Commodities and Commodity Markets - Trading, Investing and Risk Management |
3 |
Commodity and Energy Markets - Trading, Derivatives and Risk Management |
3 |
Competitive Strategies for Treasury Sales - Exercise and Role-playing Workshop |
3 |
Compliance for Banks - Regulatory Structure, Rules and Requirements |
3 |
Comprehensive Securities Operations |
3 |
Corporate Banking: Client Relationship Management |
2 |
Corporate Banking: Products, Strategies and Trends |
3 |
Corporate Bonds - Analysis, Valuation and Portfolio Management |
2 |
Corporate Credit Rating Systems: Design, Development, Calibration and Validation |
2 |
Corporate Credit Risk - Analysis, Modelling, Mitigation and Control |
2 |
Corporate Strategic Management |
3 |
Corporate Treasury Management |
3 |
Corporate Valuation |
3 |
Correlation and other Dependency Concepts |
2 |
Counterparty Credit Risk |
2 |
Country Risk Analysis and Management: Assessing and Managing Sovereign Default & Country ESG Risks |
2 |
Credit and Counterparty Risk Management |
3 |
Credit Derivatives, Synthetic Securitization and Hybrids |
2 |
Credit Derivatives: Mechanics, Analysis, Applications and Risk Management |
2 |
Credit Portfolio Management |
2 |
Credit Risk Management: Key Concepts and Current Developments |
3 |
Credit Scoring with R |
3 |
Cyber Security and the Digital Operational Resilience Act |
0 |
Data Mining Techniques and Practical Use in Banking |
0 |
Debt Finance, Valuation of Distressed Debt and Restructuring |
2 |
Digital Banking: FinTech Innovations, Digital Transition and Mobile Money |
2 |
Economic Capital Allocation Workshop |
2 |
Economic Capital, Fund Transfer Pricing and RAROC |
2 |
Economic Indicators and their Impacts on Financial Markets |
2 |
Enterprise Risk Management |
2 |
Equity Analysis and Investments Strategies |
2 |
ESG Criteria in Real Estate: Challenges and Opportunities |
1 |
ESG Ratings |
0 |
Exchange Traded Funds - Structures, Mechanics and Investment Applications |
2 |
Exotic Options - Pricing, Hedging and Applications |
3 |
Extreme Value Theory |
2 |
Factor Investing: Concepts, Insights and Applications |
2 |
Fair Value Accounting - IAS 39 and FASB 133 |
3 |
Financial Derivatives - Applications Workshop |
2 |
Financial Derivatives - Instruments, Mechanics and Markets |
2 |
Financial Derivatives - Warm Up |
1 |
Financial Engineering - Tools and Applications |
2 |
Financial Instruments and Markets |
2 |
Financial Modelling in Microsoft® Excel® |
3 |
Financial Modelling Workshop - Analysis, Measurement and Valuation |
2 |
Financial Risk Management - Methods, Tools, Principles and Regulation |
3 |
Financial Risk Manager Crash Review Course |
3 |
Financial Technology - Systems and Implementations |
1 |
Financial Time Series - Analysis, Modelling and Applications |
2 |
FinTech: Understanding the Rise of Innovative Financial Startups |
2 |
Fixed Income - Pricing, Trading and Investing |
2 |
Fixed Income Mathematics |
2 |
Foreign Exchange Markets Masterclass |
3 |
FOREX and Money Market Instruments |
3 |
FRAs, Swaps and Interest Rate Options |
3 |
Fraud Risk Management |
2 |
Fund Structuring and Product Development in Asset Management |
2 |
Fundamental Review of the Trading Book |
2 |
Fundamentals of Behavioral Finance |
2 |
Fundamentals of Swaps - Mechanics, Pricing and Applications |
3 |
Funds Transfer Pricing |
2 |
Futures and Options - Markets, Analysis and Applications |
3 |
Futures and Options - Mechanics and Markets |
1 |
Futures and Options - Pricing Workshop |
1 |
Global Asset Allocation and Risk Budgeting |
2 |
Green Bonds: A complete guide to the climate, environmental, social and sustainability bond markets |
2 |
Hedge Accounting under IFRS |
2 |
Hedge Funds for the Advanced Financial Professional |
2 |
High Yield Bonds - Markets, Analysis, Investment Strategies and Risk Management |
2 |
IFRS 9 - The New Standard, Classification, Impairment and Implementation Challenges |
2 |
Index Investing - Index Funds, ETF’s, Synthetics and Index Certificates |
2 |
Integrated Financial Risk Management |
4 |
Interest Rate and FX Risk Hedging Workshop |
2 |
Interest Rate Products - Mechanics, Pricing and Applications |
2 |
Interest Rate Risk Hedging Workshop |
2 |
Interest Rate Risk in the Banking Book |
2 |
Interest Rate Risk Management |
3 |
Internal Capital Planning - Risk Governance, Capital Policy and Capital Preservation |
2 |
International Bank Ratings - The Rating Agencies’ Methodologies |
2 |
International Capital Markets |
3 |
Investment Analysis in Excel: Risk/Return Calculations and Simulation Methods |
2 |
Investment Management - Asset Allocation, Portfolio Construction and Investment Strategies |
3 |
Investment Management - Asset Allocation, Portfolio Construction and Risk Budgeting |
2 |
Investment Management Workshop |
2 |
Investment Performance Measurement |
2 |
Investment Risk Analytics - Concepts and Applications |
2 |
Investment Strategies for Low-Yield Environment |
2 |
Liquidity Risk Management - LCR, NSFR, Stress Testing and Liquidity Pricing |
2 |
Liquidity Risk Management - Supervisory Requirements and Industry Practice |
2 |
Liquidity Risk Management and Cross Currency Funding Risks with Dr. Robert Fiedler |
2 |
Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence in Finance |
0 |
Managing Derivatives Risk |
3 |
Managing Inflation Risk: Linkers, Derivatives Applications and Portfolio Strategies |
2 |
Market Risk - Measurement, Mitigation and Compliance |
3 |
Measurement of GHG Emissions in Financial Institutions |
0 |
Measuring and Managing Operational Risk |
2 |
Mergers & Acquisitions and Leveraged Buyouts Modelling Workshop |
2 |
MiFID - Executive Overview |
1 |
Model Risk Management - Best Practices |
2 |
Monte Carlo - Methodologies and Applications for Pricing and Risk Management |
3 |
Operational Risk Management |
2 |
Operational Risk Management Masterclass |
2 |
Option Pricing and Risk Analysis - PC Modelling Workshop |
2 |
OTC Derivatives, Collateral Management and EMIR |
2 |
Performance Measurement and Attribution Analysis |
3 |
Portfolio Construction and Asset Allocation |
3 |
Portfolio Construction without Optimizers |
2 |
Portfolio Rebalancing and Weighting Strategies |
0 |
Pricing and Using Swaps and Interest Rate Options under the New Market Paradigms |
3 |
Private Banking - Client Relationship Management and Communication Skills |
3 |
Private Banking - Innovative Business Strategies and Operational Model Development |
2 |
Private Equity and Venture Capital |
2 |
Private Wealth Management: Financial Planning, Investment Solutions & Goal Based Investing |
2 |
Project Finance |
2 |
Project Finance Modelling Workshop |
2 |
PSD2 and API Banking: Getting Ready for the Challenge |
2 |
Quantitative Risk Measurement 1: Value-at-Risk, Monte Carlo Simulations and Stress Testing |
3 |
Quantitative Risk Measurement 2: Multivariate Statistics and Extreme Value Modelling |
2 |
Quantitative Risk Measurement: Value-at-Risk, Expected Shortfall, EVT and MC Simulation |
3 |
Real Estate as an Investment Class |
0 |
Real Estate Valuation |
2 |
Recent and Future Trends in the Financial Industry - Institutions, Infrastructure and Regulation |
2 |
Recent Developments in Financial Risk Management |
3 |
Reform of Interest Rate Benchmarks |
2 |
Reputational Risk Management |
2 |
Responsible Investing: How to get it right? |
2 |
Risk Data Governance - Managing Risks through Accurate and Consistent Data
0 |
Risk Management and Capital Allocation in Financial Institutions |
2 |
Risk-Based Investment Strategies: Smart Beta, Robust Risk Parity and Risk Budgeting |
2 |
Sovereign Bond-backed Securities |
0 |
Sovereign Credit Risk |
2 |
SRI Calculation under PRIIPs |
0 |
Stock Markets and Stock Analysis |
3 |
Stress Testing - Principles, Regulation and Practical Use in Risk Management |
2 |
Stress Testing - Quantitative Techniques, Regulatory Framework and Practical Use in Risk Management |
2 |
Structured and Leveraged Finance |
3 |
Structured Products - Construction, Applications, Risks and Regulation |
3 |
Structured Products - PC Workshop |
2 |
Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation |
1 |
Term Structure Modelling and Interest Rate Option Pricing |
3 |
The Bank Treasury Function - Skills, Tools, Organization and Controls |
2 |
The Basel Framework |
3 |
The Blockchain is Coming to Banking |
2 |
The Energy Workshop - Oil & Gas Markets, Power Trading and Energy Supply Chain |
2 |
The New Principles of Internal Audit in Banks |
2 |
The World of Robo-Advisors: Investing through online automated platforms |
0 |
Trading Book Risk Management: Stressed VaR, Exp. Shortfall, Incremental Risk Charge & CVA |
2 |
Treasury Management |
2 |
Treasury Products - Money and FX Markets, Derivatives and Structured Solutions |
3 |
Trends in Marketing of Financial Services |
2 |
Unsecured Debt Instruments: Subordinated Debt and Senior Non-preferred Bonds |
0 |
Vanilla Options - Mechanics, Analysis and Strategies |
2 |
Volatility and Correlation - Trading and Risk Management |
2 |
Wild Card |
0 |
Yield Curve Construction, Modelling and Applications Workshop |
2 |
Yield Curves - Construction, Modelling and Applications |
2 |